Giza Governorate is one of the governorates of Egypt. Its capital is the city of Giza, which was established in the year 20 AH with the Islamic conquest of Egypt. Giza governorate is one of the three governorates of Greater Cairo, along with Cairo and Qalyubia governorates.

It is one of the ancient cities that was established at the time of the Muslims’ conquest of Egypt, and Yaqoot said in Mu’jam Al-Buldan: Giza in the Arabic language: its meaning is the valley or the best place in it. A city behind the column (meaning the Nilometer), the road to it was from the island on a bridge, until the Fatimid Caliph cut it

The history of Giza goes back to the oldest times, as it contains the remains of the city of Memphis or Memphis, the first capital of the Egyptian state after the unification of its two countries at the hands of Narmer. Luxor Giza remained the hub of convergence between northern and southern Egypt.

In the Islamic era, Giza occupied an important position due to its proximity to the Islamic capitals of Egypt, such as Fustat, Al-Qata“, and then Cairo.

In the modern era, the first modern Egyptian university was built in it when Prince Fatima Ismail gave land to build the university, which was called Fouad I University and now it is Cairo University, the largest Egyptian university.